(Compiled by Kata Horváth and Petra Juhacsek)
The PERFORMERS Sociodrama Library is a bibliography and an online stock of books, book chapters and articles concerning sociodrama theory, method and practice.
By clicking on the selected item in the bibliography, you can read its summary and you will also have access to the full text (to open or to download it). Some of the articles are copyright-protected with password and can only be used for educational purposes. If this is the case just write us an email ( explaining the relevant educational setting and we will send you the password for access to all protected materials.
This is not a close selection, but open for improvement. You can also add items to the bibliography here, by giving the exact bibliographical references and sending an English summary. You also have the opportunity to upload the article in the online library stock and make it available for the public in a copyright secure way.
Blatner, Adam (2011) Reflections on Sociodrama. Thesis.
Blatner, Adam Ed. (2019) Action Explorations. Using Psychodramatic Methods in Non-Therapeutic Settings. Prallax Production.
Browne, Rollo (2005) Toward a Framework for Sociodrama. Theses.
Browne, Rollo (2005b) Sociodrama with Juvenile Offenders. In: ANZPA Journal (14) 35-42.
Browne, Rollo (2008) Sociodrama with Community Outreach Coordinators. In: ANZPA Journal (17) 38-51.
Carnabucci, K. (2014). Show and Tell Psychodrama: Skills for Therapists, Coaches, Teachers, and Leaders. Racine Wisconsin: Nusanto Publishing.
Casson. John W. (2000) Living Newspaper: Theatre and Therapy TDR Vol. 44, No. 2. pp. 107-122
Clayton, Max G. (1992) Enhancing Life & Relationship. A Role Training Manual. ICA Press.
Cole, D. K. (2001). Psychodrama and the Training of Trial Lawyers: Finding the Story. Northern Illinois University Law Review 21, 1, 1-35.
Cukier, Rosa (2000). The Psychodrama of Mankind. Is it really utopian?
De la Garza, F. (1984) Sociodrama, marginalidad y drogas. Servicio de publicaciones del Ministerio de Trabajo y Seg. Social. Spain
Drew, Nancy (1990). Psychodrama in nursing education. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama, and Sociometry, 43, 54-61.
Giacomucci, S. (2017) The Sociodrama of Life or Death: Young Adults and Addiction Treatment. Journal of Psychodrama, Sociometry, and Group Psychotherapy 65(1): 137-143
Goldman, Eliane – Goldman, Sally (1968). Sociodrama and psychodrama with urban disadvantaged youth. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 12(4), 206-210.
Gurvitch, George (1949) Microsociology and Sociometry. Sociometry, (12)1/3: 1-31
Haas, R.B. (ed) (1949). Psychodrama and Sociodrama in American Education. Beacon, NY: Beacon Press.
Haas R B (1948) Sociodrama in Education. Sociatry Vol 2 December-March 1948. Numbers 3&4
Hansen, Bert B. (1947a) Sociodrama in a Small Community Therapy Program. Sociatry (1) 92-96
Hansen, Bert B. (1947b) A Tale of the Bitter Root”: Pagentry as Sociodrama. Speech Communication Association.
Hansen, Bert B. (1947c) Sociodrama in the Classroom. Sociatry (3) 335-350
Haworth, P. & Vasiljevic, L. (2012). Psychodrama and Action Methods in Education. Andragoške studije, 1, 113-127.
Howie, Peter (2010) Using Sociodrama and Sociometry to Create Group Environments. The Group Psychologist, 20 (2) 11–14.
Jacobs, A. J. (1950). Sociodrama and Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education, 1(3): 192-198.
Kellerman, Peter Felix (1998). Sociodrama. Group Analysis (31) 179-195.
Kellermann, Peter Felix (2006) Sociodrama and Collective Trauma
Knepler, A. E. (1970). Sociodrama in public affairs. Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, 13, 127-134.
Leveton, Eva Ed. (2010) Healing Collective Trauma Using Sociodrama and Drama Therapy. Springer.
Lippit, Ronald – Bradford Leland P. – Benne, Kenneth B. (1947) Sociodramatic Clarification of Leader and Group Roles, as a Starting Point for Effective Group Functioning. Sociatry (1) 82-91.
Logeman, Walter (2015) Moreno’s Scientific Methodology. ANZPA Journal (24) 51-62.
Mann, Arthur (1955) Group Therapy-Irradiation-A Review and Analysis. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Volume 46 (1) 50-66.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1951a). Sociometry: Experimental method and the science of society. New York: Beacon House.
Moreno, Jacob, Levy (1941) Foundation of Sociometry. Sociometry, 4 (1) 15-35.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1961) Psychodrama and sociodrama of Judaism and the Eichmann trial. Group Psychotherapy, 14, 114-116.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1957) Role theory and sociodrama. In J. S. Roucek (Ed.), Contemporary sociology. New York: Philosophical Library, 642-654.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1943) Sociometry and the Cultural Order. Sociometry 6 (3) 299-344.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1948a) Sociodrama with Gandhi. Sociatry (4) 357-358.
Moreno, Jacob levy (1948b) Sociodrama: “The next president of the United States,” a note. Sociatry, 2, 172.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1948c) Sociology and sociodrama. Sociatry, 2, 67_68. Psych. Abs, 23, 1797.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1952a) Sociodrama of a family conflict [Transcript of a session]. Group Psychotherapy, 5, 20-37. Psych. Abs., 28, 4456.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1952b), Sociodramatic approach to minority problems [Transcript of a session]. Group Psychotherapy, 5, 7_19. Psych. Abs., 23, 4206.
Moreno, Jacob, Levy (1954) Sociometry and experimental sociology. Sociometry, 17 (4) 358-363.
Moreno, J. L.(1947) The Social Atom and Death. Sociometry, Vol. 10, No. 1. pp. 80-84.
Moreno, Jacob Levy (1947) Workshop in Sociodrama: Papers, Projects and Evaluations. (3) 333-334.
Rasmussen, B., & Kristoffersen, B. (2011). Handling og forestilling—forestilling om handling.
Jacob Levy Morenos teaterekspresjonisme og sosiatri. Trondheim: Tapir.
Reekie, Don (2011) Healing Rifts: Sociodrama in a Maternity Community. ANZPA Journal (20) 60-70.
Scheiber, Edward (2013) The Healing of Society. Tools of Sociatry.
Schreiber, E. (2017). Sociatry – Healing of Society: Tools for Social Justice Transformation. Psychodrama Network News. Fall 2017, pp. 16-17. American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama.
Schreiber, E. (2018b). Sociatry Part 3: Sociatry and the Social Microscope. Psychodrama Network News. Summer 2018. American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama.
Sprague, Ken (1998) Permission to Interact: a Who, How and Why of Sociodrama. In: Marcia Karp – Paul Holmes – Kate Bradshaw Tauvon Ed. The Handbook of Psychodrama. 247-262. Routlege.
Stein, S Ingersoll, R & Treadwell, T (1975) Sociodrama and professional/ethical conflicts. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry, 48, 31-41.
Synnot E (2005) A Sociodramatist At Work: Producing Genuine and Reciprocal Relating to Create a Leadership Renaissance. Unpublished thesis presented to the Board of Examiners of the Australia and New Zealand psychodrama Association (ANZPA) Incorporated. Available through the ANZPA library.
Teszary Judith (2011) Projection and projective identification as mechanisms in the creation of an enemy. In Sociodrama in the Changing World. 213-217. Sociodrama in a Changing World (
Teszary Judith (2011) The Semitic Brothers. In Sociodrama in the Changing World. 217-223. Sociodrama in a Changing World (
Thomson, V. (1997) Using Sociodrama for Organisational Development: Expressions of Soul at Work. Unpublished thesis presented to the Board of Examiners of the Australia and New Zealand psychodrama Association (ANZPA) Incorporated. Available through the ANZPA library.
Torrance E. (1975) Sociodrama as a creative problem solving approach to studying the future. Journal of Creative Behaviour, 9, 182-195. Cited in Brown (2005).
Varela, M. (2009) Taller de Sociodrama Pedagógico en la Resolución de Conflictos en el Aula. IES Peñarroya-Pueblo Nuevo. Córdoba. Spain
Wiener, Ron (1997) Creative Training: Sociodrama and Team-building. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Wiener, Ron – Adderley, Di – Kirk, Kate Ed. (2011) Sociodrama In A Changing World.
Williams, Anthony (1989) The Passionate Technique: Strategic Psychodrama with Individuals, Families and Groups. London: Tavistock/Routledge. Cited by Max Clayton in his role paper.
Williscroft, C. (1998) Brining Vitality into Social Roles. Unpublished thesis presented to the Board of Examiners of the Australia and New Zealand psychodrama Association (ANZPA) Incorporated. Available through the ANZPA library.
Wittinger, Thomas (2005) Handbuch Soziodrama: Die ganze Welt auf der Bühne. V.S. Verlag.
Zichy, L. (1990) “Psychodrama in der Perestroika: Ungarn im Wandel.” [“Psychodrama in theperestroika: Hungary in change”] Psychodrama 3, 3–21.