Védett: Howie, Peter: Using Sociodrama to Explore and Engage with Complex Thematic Metaphors

Védett: Howie, Peter: Using Sociodrama to Explore and Engage with Complex Thematic Metaphors

(2014) Gestalt Journal of Australia and New Zeland. (11)1  78-90.


This paper presents an application of sociodrama and sociometry in a session at a Gestalt Australia and New Zealand (GANZ) conference. The purpose of this paper is to present and consider the use of these methods  in a context when ideas and concepts about sociodrama, sociometry and psychodrama emerge. The paper begins with a brief introduction of the concepts of psychodrama, sociodrama, and sociometry. Then follows an example of a sociodramatic enactment including a group warm-up phase, an enactment phase, and a sharing phase. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of the value of this type of process in such a setting.