Védett: Blatner, Adam – Cukier, Rosa: Moreno’s basic concepts

Védett: Blatner, Adam – Cukier, Rosa: Moreno’s basic concepts

(2007) In: Baim, Clark – Burmeister, Jorge – Maciel, Manuela ed. Psychodrama. Advances in Theory and Practice. pp.293-307. Routledge. 


One of the needed advances in theory is the development of some consensus as to definitions, meanings, and implications of key concepts in the field. However, we are aware that some might think other principles should deserve inclusion, and also that the various concepts should be presented in different words or with a different meaning. We, the authors, have presented the basic concepts of psychodrama, first in our own words, in light of modern language and concepts, but also to some extent in Moreno’s more traditional language. Rosa Cukier (2002) has written a compilation of the innovator’s writings, with the title (in Portugese) The Words of Jacob Levy Moreno: Vocabulary of Quotations from Psychodrama, Group Psychother- apy, Sociodrama and Sociometry. Her purpose has been to preserve Moreno’s words so that everyone can understand in their own way what Moreno said.
Since the field is growing, we need to rely on more than Moreno’s own writings. We can recognize his writings as a cultural conserve that can and should be transcended. We need a collaborative effort to rethink and redefine a number of terms. Such an ongoing creative process would also contribute to the continuing professional development of our field.