Mann, Arthur: Group Therapy – Irradiation – A Review and Analysis

Mann, Arthur: Group Therapy – Irradiation – A Review and Analysis

(1955) In: Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology Volume 46 (1) 50-66. 


The first scientific approaches in group therapy  came about as a result of penological necessity. A round table conference was held by the American Psychiatric Association at Philadelphia in 1932. It was the purpose of this group to determine some scientific method for the application of the group technique to the classification of prisoners. Just the year before Dr. Moreno had coined the term- group psychotherapy”–Dr. Moreno and E. StaggWhitin prepared a paper for this discussion whose basic doctrine and intelligent approach were too far advanced to be accepted at the time. This excellent groundwork is so lucid and pertinent to the tenets suggested in this article that some of the presentation is quoted in its entirety…
