Hungarian Team – Project Coordinator


  • Kata Horváth
      Kata Horváthproject coordinator, cultural anthropologist, psychodramatist/ sociodramatist

      I am the international coordinator of the PERFORMERS Sociodrama Project. In Hungary I am working with Roma communities in different art-based participatory action research projects. In theses projects one of the main methods is sociodrama.

    • Ágnes Blaskó
        Ágnes BlaskóDramatist and Methodological Developer

        In the Performers project: head of the methodological group assessing the feasibility of implementing sociodrama and action method in Hungary. Works as a dramatist and methodological developer with medical doctors (Semmelweis University), university students (BME) and staff members of the detention center (PERFORMERS).

      • Móni Durst
          Móni Durstteacher, psychodramatist/ sociodramatist

          I am the international coordinator of the external communication of PERFORMERS2 Sociodrama Project. To complement the traditional methods used in Hungarian educational system I work with groups of young people help them reach their own potention and act for the future.

        • Orsi Fóti
            Orsi FótiSocial worker, psychodrama and sociodrama trainee
          • Krisztina Galgóczi
              Krisztina Galgóczifreelance dramatist, lecturer, former researcher of drama and theatre studies

              I discovered sociodrama when I was searching a method for dealing with holocaust and transgenerational trauma. So I met Yaacov Naor and Jorge Burmeister but very probably the word itself I first heard from Judith Teszary on one of her workshops in Hungary. Since that time Im more and more convinced that it is a golden tool that can heal our society.

            • Zsuzsanna Janda
                Zsuzsanna Jandapsychopedagogist

                I’m a member of WG6 team. I lead a sociodrama group for professionals working at Szőlő utca and write the records for the sessions for the children.

              • Petra Juhacsek
                  Petra Juhacsekadministrativ staff member

                  administrativ staff member of MPE (Hungarian Psychodrama Association) and Performers 2 project.

                • Andrea Zsuzsanna Kocsi
                    Andrea Zsuzsanna Kocsiteacher, psyhodramatist/sociodramatist

                    Having a strong pedagogical background my primary interest is drama with youngsters. I run children’s and adolescent’s psychodrama in private settings, sociodrama for adolescents to enhance their future vision and socio-children’s drama for teenagers in detention centre.


                  • Eszter Pados
                      Eszter Padospsychopedagogist, criminologist, psychodrama leader

                      I work in different fields with sociodrama; in a Detention Center, with marginalized youth and groups. I believe that sociodrama can build a bridge between people and expanding our different perspectives by sociodrama can give our reality a wider meaning.

                    British Team


                    • Valery Monti Holland
                        Valery Monti Hollandcoordinator, facilitator, trainer, mentor, coach

                        Valerie Monti Holland is a facilitator, trainer, mentor and coach. Following her M.A. in Applied Theatre (University of Manchester) and a diploma in Sociodrama and Action Methods, Valerie has worked across the public, private and voluntary sectors and has extensive experience working with people of varied abilities and in challenging circumstances for the purpose of personal and professional development.

                      • Diane Adderley
                          Diane Adderleytrainer in Psychodrama and Sociodrama, psychotherapist, supervisor

                          Senior Trainer in Sociodrama and Psychodramatist (BPA accredited). Director of the UK School of Playback Theatre and APTT (Accredited PT Trainer). Certificates in: Person-Centred Counselling, Gestalt Therapy, Brainspotting, Emotional Freedom Technique and other Energy Psychologies. Private practice in UK since 1999 as psychotherapist, life coach, clinical supervisor and training supervisor. Sociodrama trainer, working in UK and abroad (including Greece, Romania, Germany, Hungary, China). Delivers training in wide range of organisations in human communication skills.

                        • Jennie Le Mare
                            Jennie Le Mareteacher, facilitator, trainer

                            I have worked with marginalised and disabled young people for the last 25 years – 13 of these years in education. I bring to this work knowledge from the therapeutic arts, creative coaching models and Mindfulness/Compassion Focussed Therapy. I am an action methods practitioner and experienced group facilitator and trainer. Capella is a community organisation promoting training and use of action methods in the East Midlands. We are interested in how to pass on action methods approaches quickly and easily, and aim to support members in using action methods in their workplaces, through training, action learning sets and community days.

                          • Jos Razzel
                              Jos Razzelsociodramatist, coach

                              I use sociodrama and storytelling skills to support leaders from both corporate and not-for-profit sectors, helping to clarify their organisational purpose, values and strategy. I am passionate about finding easy ways to train coaches, support workers, and other ‘people people’ to use simple action methods in their everyday work, and am actively experimenting with cascading these approaches across organisations and networks working in partnership with innovative client organisations.

                            • Martha Lindsell
                                Martha Lindsellsociodramatist

                                I work with horses with the focus of inspiring people to develop greater awareness of themselves mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. I encourage deeper understanding of the relationship between humans and horses, horses and horses and how this can bring revelations to human to human relationships, including how this can be explored to create healthier ways of communication between all.

                              FEPTO Team

                              • Judith Teszáry
                                  Judith Teszárycoordinator, psychologist, psychodramatist/sociodramatist supervisor

                                  My sociodrama praksis: I provided courses for health care personal in conflict transformation and about psychosocial working conditions. Courses for union leaders in Swedish Industry Union; courses for organizational consultants; workshops for Arab Israelis and Jewish Israelis; Community building for Romany women; supervision for personal groups and client groups within child care/social work.

                                • Jana Damjanov
                                    Jana DamjanovMSc Clinical psychologist, Psychodrama psychotherapist trainer and supervisor

                                    I apply sociodrama in different settings: education and training, evaluation, psychotherapeutic work with groups. I did sociodrama in the context of cultural and collective trauma, working in ex Yugoslavia region (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia and Croatia).

                                  • Melinda Ashley Meyer
                                      Melinda Ashley MeyerProfessor

                                      I have been applying sociodrama in my work with refugees since 1991

                                    • Irina Stefanescu
                                        Irina StefanescuLearning & Development Partner for People and their Organisations

                                        As a team coach and workshop facilitator, I have been using sociodrama to help the groups tell their story, understand it better and, if needed, to change it since 2009. I also use sociodrama for teaching, team-building, conflict transformation, organisational culture diagnose & transformation.

                                      • Nikolaos Takis
                                          Nikolaos TakisClinical Psychologist, Professor of Clinical Psychology, Psychodramatist, Psychoanalyst in training

                                          Nikolaos Takis has been running Pyschodrama and Group Analytic groups since 2003. He is a Psychodrama trainer since 2010. He is currently the President of FEPTO (Federation of European Psychodrama Training organizations).

                                        Portuguese Team


                                        • Margarida Belchior
                                            Margarida BelchiorCoordinator, Teacher, Researcher, Sociodramatist

                                            When I started my Sociodrama training, I immediately started to use some sociodrama techniques with my pupils in primary school. Then I started to organize sociodrama meetings and action methods trainings for teachers. The feedback I received was a very positive one. Sociodrama can be a very fruitful tool to help teachers and their sutends to become more creative. I also started to colaborate in Sociodrama training sessions and in public sociodrama session with art. My background as primary teacher, teacher educator and researcher is a very useful one.

                                          • Maria João Brito
                                              Maria João BritoPsychologist

                                              Maria João Pina de Morais de Sousa e Brito is Psychologist in the Endocrinology Service at Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon, where use the method of Sociodrama in Eating Disorders and Obesity. President of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (2013-2017) and menber of the Teaching Committee from 2017. Specialist of Clinical Psicology and advanced specialist of Psychoterapy by the Corporation of Psycologists ( Ordem dos Psicólogos ).

                                            • Manuela Maciel
                                                Manuela Macielclinical psychologist, psychodramatist/sociodramatist

                                                Manuela Maciel (Portugal) is a Clinical and Social Psychologist, and Psychodrama Director for 32 years. She is experienced individual, group psychotherapist and teaches at Psychology and Management Universities. . She was the Chairperson of the Psychodrama Section of the IAGP -International Association of Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (2003-2009). Member of the board, supervisor and teacher in the Portuguese Psychodrama Society (SPP).

                                              • José Luís Mesquita
                                                  José Luís MesquitaPsychologist

                                                  Clinical Psychologist (Member of the Portuguese Psychologists Order – OPP), Psychodramatist, Sociodramatist and Sexologist. Member of the Teaching Committee of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP) (2004 to the present). Vice-President of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP) (2012-2014). Member of the Board of FEPTO. (2013-2015). Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP) (2010-2012). “Didactic Member” of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP). Member of the Family Planning Association (APF), and of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (SPSC). Lecturer in Graduate Courses. Trainer and Supervisor of the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP). Trainer of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Sexology (SPSC) and of the Portuguese Society of Family Therapy (SPTF). Private practice: Individual Psychotherapy, Couple Therapy, Sexology and Group Director of Psychodrama and Sociodrama. Creator of a new methodological approach based on Psychodrama, called Dramapoetry: The Psychodrama of the Word.

                                                • Léa Kellermann Pereira
                                                    Léa Kellermann PereiraPsychologist

                                                    Psychotherapist, psychodratist and sociodramatist with master’s degree in the family systemic area. One of the creators of the Project of Public Sociodrama with Art. Lead sociodrama groups in a project with young people in the process of transition from school to professional life and with young people in schools.

                                                  • Luzia Lima-Rodrigues
                                                      Luzia Lima-RodriguesUniversitary Teacher

                                                      Luzia Mara Silva Lima-Rodrigues nasceu no Brasil, onde construiu uma parte da sua carreira académica e profissional. É Pedagoga, com especialização em Psicodrama Pedagógico e em Psicopedagogia, tendo concluído o Doutoramento em Educação pela Unicamp/Brasil, em 1999. O pós-doutoramento em Terapias Expressivas e Educação Inclusiva foi concluído em 2004, pela Universidade de Lisboa/Portugal.

                                                    • Sara de Sousa
                                                        Sara de SousaOccupational Therapist

                                                        Sara de Sousa is a Sociodramatist accredited by the Portuguese Society of Psychodrama (SPP), which is part of the current Board of Directors, and is also a member of the redatorial board of SPP’s Magazine. Trainer at the SPP where she coordinates the Theoretical Formation of Sociodrama. She is an Occupational Therapist and works in the mental health national care system. She is a professor at the High School of Health of Politechnic Institute of Porto.


                                                      • Cátia Silva
                                                          Cátia SilvaPsychologist

                                                          Psychologist in Family Support and Parental Counseling Center (CAFAP), in Nos Association, which is a specialized support service for families with children and young people in psychosocial risk situations, through the development of parental, personal and social skills of this families. After some encounters with Sociodrama, it became clear that this is a very powerful tool to use with this kind of families and work context (especially with teenagers). Its creative and non-judgment characteristics allows participants to experience a diversity of feelings, opinions and reflections in an intensive and rich way.

                                                        • Sílvia Cristina Gustavo Beirão
                                                            Sílvia Cristina Gustavo Beirãophysiotherapist

                                                            I work in regular school with children who have special educational needs. I believe in School for all children and also that Sociodrama can help me to facilitate inclusion and equal opportunities for all.

                                                          • Humberto Candeias
                                                              Humberto CandeiasDirector

                                                              Awareness of the power and contexts of intervention of Sociodrama. Opportunity for individual and collective reflection on personal and professional relationships.

                                                            • Ana Bela Profeta Alves
                                                                Ana Bela Profeta AlvesPsychologist

                                                                My work is developed in schools, in order to raise awareness and empower the educational community for inclusion. Sociodrama is an important tool for working on inclusion in a playful and intense way.

                                                              Swedish Team


                                                              • Mariolina Werner Guarino
                                                                  Mariolina Werner Guarinocoordinator, teacher, psychodramatist/sociodramatist

                                                                  Mariolina Werner Guarino Moving to Sweden from Italy “for love” as interpreter and Language teacher, I became Psychology teacher, Psychodramatist and Sociodramatist for more than 25 years ago. I work mostly in an Upper Secondary School and use Sociodrama in teaching Psychology as well as in my work as mentor to meet all the challenges of a multi cultural suburban school. In 1999 I started officially recognized courses in Psychodrama and Sociodrama where students can work with personal development, problem solving, creativity improvement and so on. I integrate in these courses even students with Asperger’s syndrome: Sociodrama enables them to develop their social and emotional skills, promote inclusion and reinforce reciprocal empathy in the whole group. I lead even Sociodrama projects with newcomers and refugees.

                                                                • Monica Westberg
                                                                    Monica Westbergpsychodramatist/sociodramatist

                                                                    Co-founder of FEPTO and of the Swedish Psychodrama Foundation (1987). BA in Pedagogics, children knowledge and gender, Certificate of directorship from Moreno Institute, Beacon USA. Regularly participating in international courses and training in psycho/sociodrama, with many years of experience as trainer, counselor and senior supervisor in social care, mental care, schools and business regarding psycho/sociodrama and related issues. Missions in Sweden and at different places in Norway and more than ten years experience of working with refugee children and refugee women in different social programs. Networking with professional colleagues in Scandinavia, Europe and Argentina.

                                                                  • Wessenyeles Beshah Kidane
                                                                      Wessenyeles Beshah Kidaneteacher